Thursday, 22 August 2019

Revolting recipe writing

In Rm 5 we have been making up revolting recipe. My one was called The CocoMWpickle popsicle and
we got to look at others revolting recipe. This is what I wrote.

The CocoMWpickle popsicle🔄
Ingredients: ↫Get 1 can of Pickles and 1 can of Spaghetti and some M&M’s and some chocolate sauce and whipped cream. And get a popsicle mould.
1.First add some M&M’s in a big bowl then some Pickle juice then some spaghetti
2.Mix for 2 minutes 
3.Carefuly pour it into a popsicle mould  
4.Let it freeze for 1 hour
5. Once they are out of the moulds drizzle some chocolate sauce on top with some whipped cream 
6.Then eat them with your best friend for an afternoon snack.
7. Immediately go to the bathroom if you need to throw up!

That is what I wrote for Revolting Recipe writing. 

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Samoan Language week

In Rm 5 we did a Samoan Language week activity. In the Samoan activity there was lots of information that we had to do in the activity. And there was the Samoan numbers up to ten and there was a word find. We got to learn and do coloring pages about Samoa I love learning about Samoa and Samoan Language Week.

Science in RM5

Today we did Science. Mrs Drummond gave each group ice balls, Mrs Drummond took some balloons and put water in it and then tied it up and put it in a freezer and then she unwrapped it and it turned into ice balls. We put dye on it and the ice turned into different colors. Next we put on salt and it cracked the ice. When we finished that we went outside and tested that the ice will break, we through it in the air and it cracked.
I had fun doing science this week.

Saturday, 29 June 2019

Science with Miss Butcher

On Tuesday Rm 5 did a science experiment with Miss Butcher. The science experiment was about the water cycle. We got into teams and I went with Emelia and Soeun we got a plate a cup and some glad wrap, water and ice. We put the plate on top of the cup and put ice around the glad wrap put it on top of the plate and we also put water into the cup. We for a while while the ice will make rain drops. Two minutes later the ice became rain drops.
That was a cool experiment we did I am excited to do another experiment with Miss Butcher.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019

My Peter Gossage Art Work

In RM5 we did Peter Gossage art work. We got to pick a drawing he did and then redraw what he did. My one was Maui's Mother when we traced it we got to colour. It with pastel and then put one different dye over the art work. I had so much fun doing the art and having fun coloring it.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Book Week

In week seven we had book week. What we do in book week is we dress up as characters from books and we do a literacy reading game every single classroom splits in different year groups one year six,  one year zero or year one and one year three. Me and my team did well even though we didn't get anything we had so much fun. After that we had Assembly I really enjoyed it.
I love Book Week.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Coordinate Plane

In Rm 5 we did Maths. And in Maths we did this thing called a Coordinate Plane. Coordinate Plane means there are numbers and there are also letters. The only letters are y and x and so x is before y and it is sort of like a number line but in the middle of the number line there are lines and the lines go up to thirty five and twenty nine. I found out that when I put all of the lines together it makes...A flossing panda. I wish I could do Coordinate Plane again.

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Cross country

At Good Shepherd we did cross country. There was a lot of cheering, a lot of helping. I felt so happy when I finished the race. I trained so hard thanks to Miss Dyer. Lot's of people were shouting my name and cheering me on. When my cousin Seihara almost finished the race all the year six girls got up on their knees and ran with her except for me I was so proud of my cousin and everyone who did cross country. I had such an amazing race.
Thank you Miss Dyer for helping me with the race.

Friday, 10 May 2019

My country poster

In Rm 5 we did a country poster. We got to choose which country we wanted to research, I researched China. Did you now that China's population is 1.42 billion? I learnt a lot of cool and crazy things about China. Every website I'm on it has things that I didn't know about. I hope I get to do another country and learn more about different cultures again.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Celery Expirement

In RM8 we did a science expirement. The science expirement was about celery with food coloring and so if we put celery with food coloring and the food coloring will soak up and the celery will turn different colors. Mrs Drummond took six cups and filled them up with water and put a lot of red and blue food coloring. And then we put in the celery and so we had to wait for three hours. Three hours later it was time to see if it worked and it worked the celery turned blue and red. I enjoyed the science expirement.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

My Pepeha

In class we had to write a Maori pepeha. I wrote mine in Cook Island Maori because that's my culture.

Tera pa-ia I te Uru Awatea
Te tahirihiri-ra it te motu o Arai-Ava

Kia orana tatou katotoa
ite aroa maa'ta o to tatou Atu, Iesu Mesia 

Ko Stephen Haydon taku papa
Ko Jane Rairi Matangi taku mama
Nga maunga Te-Manga me Ikurangi
Ko Moanui-O-kiwi taku moana
Ko Allessandra Eden Toreka Haydon taku ingoa. 

Thursday, 25 April 2019

Anzac Day

In Rm 5 we did an Anzac pamphlet. Mrs Drummond had some photos , Badges , Newspaper and more. We partnered up with buddies and choose what stories we wanted to know. I partnered up with Emelia. Our information was about Middleton Beckett, the youngest man in war. He was eighteen when he was in war and then he died when he was nineteen. We will remember those who have passed away.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Growth Mindset

In Rm 5 we have been working on Growth Mindset. Mrs Drummond gave us different parts of a sheet and put them together to make a brain that says Growth Mindset. On the sheets we wrote what we were  struggling with. We never give up and keep trying. We had so much fun doing it and colouring part of the brain. We put them together to make a brain and displayed it in our class.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

In Peace and Unity at Zayed College for Girls

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
Peace, Mercy and Blessings of God be upon you

An invitation to join Zayed College for Girls in Peace and Unity. This is one of the schools my mum works in.  

In the Entrance of the hall was a Wall of Hope where we could leave messages In Peace and Unity

 My cousin Seihara and I left messages of blessings and comfort

Sister schools from around Auckland City sent messages of love to Zayed. I saw messages from Baradene and Dio

 Inside the school hall the students at Zayed had displayed a heart of messages for the 50 who had died in Christchurch.

Me and Seihara will be on 3 news tonight
 Schools around Mangere singing a waiata.

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Waka Ama 2018/2019 - WAITAKERE!

In the holidays I went to Cambridge for Wakaama Nationals and it was live on TV like Moari Television and the news. I'm in Intermediate girls team and we have different colored teams like Ma which is white , Pangu which is black and my team KAKARIKI which is green. The rules for our race was we get a number and we need to find the lane but if you go into an others teams lane then you are disqualified. In 3...2...1 Go! and we were off paddle so hard and then it was finished we came Third. When we finished our race we found out that the other team flipped we were so shocked and we also found out that they were a new team and it was there first ever race that they had done. I had so much fun hanging out with my best friends and even though we didn't come 1st I had the best time racing.

Waka ama 2019 Nationals
Lake Karapiro 
Intermediate Girls- Team Kakariki
Katana | Emma-Jade | Nevajah | Kahukura | Zabella | Allessandra 


Monday, 25 March 2019

Blues Win!


On Friday me and mum went to the Blues vs. Highlanders game at Eden Park. Mum had to work and I helped her! My job was to count all the passengers in our van, mum drove them to and from the game. We met Matt, Juan, Estefania and mama Alicia at the game. It was mama Alicia's first time at a rugby game and the Blues won!!! Mama Alicia must be a lucky charm for the Blues! 

Rarotonga Wedding

Congratulations to Aunty Julie & Uncle Roy 

While in Rarotonga for my Papa Ra's funeral my Aunty Julie married her partner of over 20 years Uncle Roy. Papa Ra was suppose to give Aunty Julie away but because he died my mum's brother Uncle Poanere stepped in and did the honors. 


I'll miss you my Papa Ra

On February 24th 2019 my Grandpa Papa Ra passed away. I went to Rarotonga to pay my respects and say my last goodbyes to my Papa Ra. Everybody in Rarotonga knew my Papa Ra because he was a teacher, principal, member of parliament and broadcaster. He loved all his grandchildren the most!

Moe ra e taku Papa
Moe ra e moemoe ra
Ka tuku au to rima 
Ki runga ite Atua 
Nahana koe e tiaki
Nahana koe tauturu 
E moemoe ra 
moe ra 
moe ra
moe ra

đź’• I'll miss you my Papa Ra 

Friday, 15 March 2019

Year 6 camp

On 28th of Monday 2018 I went to Year 6 Camp and it was fun. At camp we did activities like Stack-em , Ab-selling , Surfing , Mountain biking , Kayaking ,Raft building , climbing , dingy games , Giant ladder , and more. I felt a little bit nervous when I did ab selling and giant ladder and climbing but I faced my fears the parents are the best for making the food. We played spotlight and we played much more activities and then it was time to go. My group got to sit by a fire and eat our roasted marshmello and make donuts I had fun at camp.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Starting a new year

This week Rm 5 did a puzzle piece drawing We got to colour and draw our names and what we like. Mrs Drummond put them up for display to show people that Rm 5 work as a team and work as a community we had so much fun doing it.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Going to Australia

On Wednesday My mum, My Auntie and me we went to Australia for my Aunty Cathayan 21st Birthday. We went on Latam Airline that has a TV and gives you breakfast and it was 3 hour flight. 3 hours later we landed in Australia I got to stay the night at my Papa and Mama Ozzie's place and then me and my mum, and Stanley, Aunty Cathayan went to the luna park it was so much fun it had roller coasters and the roller coasters I went on went up and down up and down it was so much fun. And other one I went on was called "The Spider," it will spin around in circles and Stanley went on a roller coaster that went up and down in a circle and we got to eat candy floss. And then it was the day of my Aunty Cathayan 21st Birthday and my Uncle Metua and my Auntie Paige were her siblings and we got to eat cake that had a candle that said 21 my Auntie pulled the candle and there was money coming out of the cake. And then it was time to dance! there was a DJ that did all the Technology like there was lazers going on the ceiling and smoke going on the dance floor I'm excited to back there again.

Image result for The Australian flag