Friday, 10 May 2019

My country poster

In Rm 5 we did a country poster. We got to choose which country we wanted to research, I researched China. Did you now that China's population is 1.42 billion? I learnt a lot of cool and crazy things about China. Every website I'm on it has things that I didn't know about. I hope I get to do another country and learn more about different cultures again.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Celery Expirement

In RM8 we did a science expirement. The science expirement was about celery with food coloring and so if we put celery with food coloring and the food coloring will soak up and the celery will turn different colors. Mrs Drummond took six cups and filled them up with water and put a lot of red and blue food coloring. And then we put in the celery and so we had to wait for three hours. Three hours later it was time to see if it worked and it worked the celery turned blue and red. I enjoyed the science expirement.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

My Pepeha

In class we had to write a Maori pepeha. I wrote mine in Cook Island Maori because that's my culture.

Tera pa-ia I te Uru Awatea
Te tahirihiri-ra it te motu o Arai-Ava

Kia orana tatou katotoa
ite aroa maa'ta o to tatou Atu, Iesu Mesia 

Ko Stephen Haydon taku papa
Ko Jane Rairi Matangi taku mama
Nga maunga Te-Manga me Ikurangi
Ko Moanui-O-kiwi taku moana
Ko Allessandra Eden Toreka Haydon taku ingoa.