Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Happy Easter

In the Easter holidays, I went to a carnival. I went on a roller coaster with my cousins and my auntie and uncle. These are some photos we took.
Seihara , Allessandra and Sabine
 T'Sahai (in the pram), Allessandra and (Mama) Ina 

 Fireworks was LOUD and Spectacular

 Happy Easter Everyone! 

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Hotel Transylvania 3 and Incredibles 2

In the holidays me and my mum went to see Hotel Transylvania 3 .
We went to St Luke’s Event Cinemas.
Image result for hotel transylvania 3The movie was about a family of monsters taking a break from work and
going on vacation. Except a lady has been tracking down the grandfather
for years and seeking revenge on Dracula. The ladies grandfather and
Dracula had a battle and I'm going to stop there because I don't want to
spoil the movie. I give it 5/5 stars, I loved the movie.

Related image

Incredibles 2 is about a bad girl who hypnotized superheroes. The mother
and father were hypnotized as well but the children saved all the
superheroes and their parents got saved. I will pause there because
I don't want to spoil it. I had fun watching the movie with my dad. I would
give it a 4/5 stars.

Friday, 14 September 2018

Allessandra and Stella

Allessandra and Stella 

In the weekend I went to my Nana's  house with my dad and my cousin Stella.When we got there Nana house with my dad and my cousin Stella. When we got there Nana let us pick oranges from her tree her oranges were nice and fresh. After that we went to Macdonald's Stella had Chicken nuggets with chips and I got a cheeseburger with chips it was so yummy. When Stella,dad and I finished our food we went to the playground me,dad and Stella had fun.